Greg's story into landscaping begins at the young age of nine. It was summer break and Greg and his six brothers began begging their parents for a Nintendo system. Unbeknownst to the boys, Harry and Linda Black instead purchased lawn care equipment and upon their return home informed Greg and his brothers they would have to earn the Nintendo system themselves. Greg and his brothers did earn a Nintendo system and later, Greg earned a Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences and Landscape Systems from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville while maintaining residential landscapes and creating outdoor living and recreational spaces around the Knoxville area.
After working for a large landscaping firm in Palm Beach, FL and managing over 1 million dollars of commercial property, Greg later moved to Memphis. Once in Memphis and instantly captivated by the city’s potential to be increasingly beautiful with proper care, Greg founded Curb Appeal Memphis in 2012. Armed with a passion for landscape design and a desire to beautify a city, one yard at a time, Greg and his team began transforming exterior living spaces from downtown to Collierville, and everywhere in between. Due to the business' expansion outside of Memphis, the company changed its' name from Curb Appeal Memphis to Mid-South Curb Appeal, LLC in 2016 to reflect the business' expanding client base.

Greg has been featured as an expert in lawn and plant care in multiple media outlets, including:

Greg's passion for and knowledge of plants and landscaping systems make him a desirable choice for speaking engagements. Besides being a featured speaker on the Marybeth Conley Radio Show, Greg has been a guest speaker at several Memphis area garden clubs. Contact Greg today to invite him to speak to your neighborhood group, non-profit organization, or gardening club. For more information, call 901.405.1315 or email us at

Something not many people know about us:  

We once received a letter of gratitude from Mayor A.C. Wharton, thanking us for our efforts to keep Memphis beautiful.  It was a high point for everyone on my team.”  - Gregory J. Black, owner